Along with the development of international trade and multimodal transport of containers, through bills of lading and multimodal transport bills of lading are applied in a wider way. 对联运提单与多式联运提单的研究,在国际贸易、运输迅猛发展的今天可以说是方兴未艾。
Through reviewing literature and on-site investigation, I try to make an analysis on the problems of highway& railway multimodal transport and transport organization which it covers Source organization^ connection 、 Empty container for scheduling and Stations planning and so on. 然后通过查阅文献资料及现场调研,对集装箱公铁联运运输组织瓶颈问题进行了分析,包括货源组织、衔接、空箱调运、场站规划等。